Thursday, September 18, 2008


I love cooking, it is one of the few things that I actually think that I am good at. I really love to cook with my kids, and that is the inspiration for my esty shop. These little aprons are another one of the fun things that can be found in my shop. I hope you enjoy them!

Ginger Blossoms - fun felt food, aprons, and other imaginative childs play

I have the greatest and most fulfilling new hobby. FELT FOOD!! I absolutely love it, it is just great! I make all sorts of fun food sets for young and old alike. I love the little breakfast sets, and Landon and Mallory think that they are great! The little eggs are the cutest, they just crack me right up :).....LOL... Sorry, that was a little corny... Anyway, if you like my stuff in can be purchased at

Monday, August 25, 2008

Little Rock Star

Oh Landon, he seriously thinks that he is a rock star. He just cracks me up.
Today, he got dressed all by himself, like he always does; mister independent.He came out of his room with his white sweatband with a soccer ball on it, his Alaska PJ shirt, covered in peanut butter, and tucked right on in to his shorts. He was all ready to go to the store with me. I told him I had to shower and get ready and then we could go. So to pass the time he decided that he would rock n’ roll. He really loves old rock n’ roll music. His very favorite song right now is “Juke Box Hero”. Anyway, I turned on the music, and he just rocks out! He stands in the middle of the room, and spins around kicking his legs up in the air, and just rockin’. He loves to dance, and really loves music, I hope that it stays with him, and that he can really develop a talent someday.

Landon, Landon,Landon

I have been using this new program, it is called LDSJournal. It is a website that you use just like a journal, you record anything, and it just stores it for you, and then you can have it made into a book if you want eventually. Anyway, I just wanted to share this entry from the other day, it is just typical Landon, and I thought that you would all enjoy this......

This little miracle that runs around this house, hunting every bear, lion, tiger, deer, elk, and bird that existed, is just amazing. I love to see the way that his little mind works. So full of curiosity, and amazement by every little thing. This morning we pulled weeds outside in one of the flower beds. He started discovering that there we very nay bugs in this flower bed. He got a bucket, and started collecting. He found a slug, YUCK, and he just thought it was great, he would hold it and say; " Hello little slug, you are just so cute!" Then he found every single centipede that was in that flower bed, and each and every single one was his very best friend. He is not too fond of the worms, but he still picked up a few and added them to his collection. He was convinced that worms could bite, but when I told him that they didn't even have teeth he was so relieved. "That's pretty cool" he said. He didn't like the potato bugs, especially when they uncurled from their ball and started walking on his hand, it was a little too much. He then found the fattest little brown caterpillar that I have ever seen, it was so fat, but very short, barely an inch long. He was just a holding it in his hand, rubbing it's little tummy, and talking to it. All of a sudden, he says; "Mom! Look, what is this??" His hand had all this green slime on it! Yuck! I said; "I think that it is poop!" He then said (as he rubbed the bugs tummy); "It's ok little caterpillar if you poop on me, you will still be my friend." He didn't even want to wash his hand off in the hose, MR. CLEAN, didn't even care. He just said " It was just a assident" (his words exactly). Oh, the innocence of children....I was rather grossed out. Not Landon, he just thought it was an "assident". So I guess that I learned a little bit of a lesson today from my three-year old.....Even when you get pooped on, jut brush it off, and forgive, Love everyone, even the worms that gross you out sometimes!! What a big lesson from such a little spirit. I love that children never stop teaching us, especially this one!
I hope that you all enjoyed that and always remember "it was just an assident"